RSE Policy

Howard PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NURSERY Relationships and Sexuality Education

(RSE) Policy

Contextual Information

Howard Primary School and Nursery Unit currently have 324 pupils aged 3-11 (During 2016/17). The school is co-educational with equal proportions of male and female pupils. It is located on the edge of Dungannon .

Date of Policy: February 2017

This policy is intended to provide a framework through which young people can develop the skills, attitudes and values necessary to deal with the challenges which they will meet in this very sensitive area.

Where age and topic appropriate the policy takes account of the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2006

The policy also takes account of the relevant sections of the UNCRC and also how RSE contributes to ESAGS and Equality and Diversity in Education Policy.

The policy links with our Child Centred Provision section of our School Development Plan and related Action Plan.

Description of policy formation and consultation process

The RSE Policy has been drawn up using the guidance provided in the RSE Guidance for Primary Schools August 2015. The policy was consulted with parents March- April 2016. The policy was published on our school website and a paper copy made available upon request from our school office.

The policy will be reviewed on a bi-annual basis: Next review will be in February 2019.

The school principal will be the point of contact for feedback/comments on the RSE Policy.


Howard Primary School and Nursery firmly advocates the Personal Development approach where young people are given the skills to help them resist peer and media pressure, and make informed decisions based on their own internal self-respect and self-esteem. Schools are important centres of education that play a huge role in the personal development of all pupils and take this responsibility very seriously.

We in Howard Primary School view the development and implementation of a policy in Relationships and Sexuality (RSE) as an important step towards achieving our aim to develop all aspects of a child’s personality and growth, including the aesthetic, creative, critical, cultural, emotional, intellectual, moral, physical, political, social and spiritual development for personal and family life, for working life, for living in the community and for leisure. We advocate the Personal Development approach where young people are given the skills to help them resist peer and media pressure, and make informed decisions based on their own internal self-respect and self-esteem. The morals and values of our Christian ethos are the core principles that underpin the teaching of RSE. The school is sensitive to the ‘age specific’ nature of many RSE topics and deliver these with the knowledge and support of parents and Governors.

Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) is a lifelong process which encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, understanding and skills, and the development of attitudes, beliefs and values about personal and social relationships and gender issues. Sexuality includes all aspects of the human person that relate to being male or female and is subject to change and development throughout life. It is a complex dimension of human life and relationships. As the learning process begins informally in the home we will endeavour to engage in full consultation with parents regarding the aims, objectives and teaching programme of this policy and their views will be considered when implementing and reviewing the policy.


Through the delivery of RSE our young people should be able to :



All documents are available at