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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

P6/7 Lockdown News

27th Apr 2020

Thank you to all of you who have sent me lovely emails already. It was so nice to hear from you all. I am looking forward to reading your pieces of writing about Lockdown. You can include some photographs too and we could include them here too🙂

Carla has been busy making pom poms!

Madison has made a sign to thank the postmen!

Eden has cooked dinner for her family, bounced on the trampoline, splashed in the pool and celebrated her birthday🎂

Demi and her mum do a one mile bike ride every day🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️

Bobby celebrated his birthday by getting a say off home learning🎉 He also made buns with his sister.

Thomas has been busy in the kitchen completing his Cubs Cookery Badge👨‍🍳🏆

Rebekah and her brother have been out in the garden planting. She has also been baking scones and cakes with her mum👩‍🍳

Matilda has been completing tasks outside☀️ She has started a papier-mâché volcano and has been using Zoom to contact her granny in London who has been teaching her how to knit!