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Howard Primary School & Nursery Unit, Dungannon

Digital Learning

Online safety, in all cases, in schools and elsewhere, remains a paramount concern. Schools play a crucial role in raising awareness of the risks, highlighting the impact of behaviour when engaging with online technologies and educating children and young people about how to act appropriately and stay safe.

(DENI Circular 2016/27, Online Safety, December 2016)

Online Safety is one of the major factors affecting our pupils today. Young people are spending an increasing amount of time engaging with online technologies.  As a school, we play a crucial role in educating children on the responsible use of technology, raising awareness of risks and how to report any unwanted behaviour or content.  It is also vital that all stakeholders are aware of these issues.

Our pupils are encouraged to recognise the potential of the technology in our lives and the opportunities afforded to enhance learning while at the same time learning and experiencing good practice.  We offer lessons across all key stages as well as raising awareness of Online Safety through events such as 'Safer Internet Day' and PDMU lessons.

As a school we are continuously monitoring new developments in the online world, offering up-to-date advice and updating and amending policy.

We encourage parents/carers to take time to look at the useful links provided as a point of reference for any questions or queries and attend our Online Safety events for parents and pupils.  

Useful Links for Parents:

5th Feb 2025
P5 enjoyed an interactive mental health lesson online with HIP Psychology. 
23rd Oct 2024
P7 enjoyed taking part in a live online lesson on Titanic this week. They are learning...
30th Sep 2024
Dr Deborah Webster from Thrive Academy led sessions on becoming digitally resilient...